BMW CCA 2002 Forever Chapter Update, October 2020

The 2002 Forever Chapter is well established, but still tiny. We have about 200 members—but that only averages 4 per state! I figure we should be able to recruit 10x as many as we have, based on my knowledge of the local situation, and I think there are maybe 100x more cars out there. Please help build membership—many CCA members are waiting for renewal time which is understandable, but we appreciate those who have called the National Office to add our Chapter.

We have a Photo Contest underway! We have a bunch of entries in all contest categories—go to our website [] for detailed info and rules. Remember—there are PRIZES from 2002AD, Maximillian, Ireland Engineering, Bluntech, and La Jolla Independent! We have had Events around the country—both Tour events and Cars and Coffee events. Admittedly not many yet, but people are starting to carefully get out there while maintaining social distancing and wearing masks. Hopefully there will be events near you soon—talk to your friends about it. Contact me when you’re ready and I’ll help get insurance. We have made improvements to the website! We still have a way to go and it’s not yet polished, but we do have content now. We have 40 or more recommended shops around the country! We have the beginnings of an events list. Soon we’ll have a list of recommended parts suppliers and people who specialize in special STUFF for 2002s.

How did this happen, you ask? It happened because our members made recommendations! Send me more and I’ll list them and I’ll list you as the source! Member Duane Hong volunteered and created our Instagram account—@BMW2002forever. I don’t personally know what that means—I’m old—but it sounds like a good thing! We’re still working on artwork for stickers, shirts, and badges; still working on ‘cars and parts for sale’. Remember that this all started with your suggestions about what we needed to make this 2002 Forever Chapter valuable—don’t stop now. Tell me more.

Thanks, Terry