Reminder to sign up for 2002 Forever Chapter at BMW CCA

Our list of members is no longer growing, but we are still needing more of our petition signers to join our chapter in BMW CCA to get our chapter ready for the future! If you are already in the chapter, you can ignore this message. If you aren’t, please join immediately!
How to join the chapter? Read on-

If you ARE a current member of BMW CCA, you will need to call the National Office at 864-250-0022 and press #1 for “membership”. You may either add “2002 Forever” as an additional chapter for $15.30/year or make it your primary chapter replacing your geographic chapter. You can also add “2002 Forever” at time of renewal.

– If you ARE NOT currently a member of BMW CCA you can either call in as above, or go to the club website ( and select “JOIN”. By default your geographic chapter will be checked. You can either uncheck your geographic chapter and select “2002 Forever” or add “2002 Forever” as an additional chapter.

As a non-geographical chapter, members will have access to a nationwide calendar of events as well as communication on our Facebook Group “2002 Forever-BMW CCA 2002 Chapter Group” or the Facebook Page “2002 Forever-BMW CCA 2002 Chapter“.